The Dark Tesco Express

The Dark Tesco Express

I was thirsty and I needed to restock on tea, so naturally I wanted to get some.I picked myself up and I got in the shower.After drying myself off I looked out the window, storm clouds were rolling over.I had to leave the house quickly if I were to avoid the rain, so I got dressed and threw on a jacket before I left the house.The wind was smacking me in the face but I knew the journey would be worth it as soon as I got my Everyday Value Teabags.I opened the door to the Tesco Express, however as I walked in I felt the eerie atmosphere surround me; choke me. I felt surrounded by forces I could not begin comprehend. I waked around the four or so aisles that the shop had to offer and they were all bare apart from a couple of rotting jammy dodgers. I went to the checkout where a grim, tortured looking man was standing. His stare was sharper than knife.I asked,
"Where can I find this tea then, make sure it's Everyday value."
He pointed to a door in the corner. I was hesitant to follow his command but I really wanted Tea, and that storm wasn't waiting for me.I walked slowly to the door and twisted the handle. An ear piercing screech was emitted as I continued to turn. The door creaked open and I looked into this dark void of a room.I heard the faint sound of xylophones and before long a spooky skeleton was drifting towards me. This was very spooky and my inner monologue was at this point in time,
"Wow 2spooky4me."
I turned around only to hear raucous Laughter from past employees, the faint screeches of children as they ran up the corridors; I was seeing the dark past of this Tesco Express.I looked at the checkout and the man who had told me the direction to the tea had hung himself. His body hanging there like rotten fruit.Every aisle was covered in what I could only describe as the organs of whoever had belonged here during its darker times, the point of whatever had turned this Tesco into a living nightmare.The windows dripped blood from top to bottom.I was frozen in fear.I looked back into the closet and the skeleton was closer than ever; I could clearly make out its face.It was smiling at me, taunting me. I couldn't handle myself.I ran to the door, turned to see of it was following me. I noticed and inscription, patterned with blood.It read,
"Abandoned by Tesco Head Offices."
The man hanging was rotting away, bits falling off of him.I tried to open the door but it was locked stiff.I grabbed one of the packets of rotten jammy dodgers and through it at the window. It smashed and I made my escape.
Every night now I think of the terrors that unfolded that day: the skeleton, the man and me not getting my Tesco Everyday Value Tea. I have to write this story because if that skeleton finds me I am more than sure that I will be spooked to death.